Wednesday, June 08, 2005

the best of menlovian

ok folks, this is it. the links below have been hand-selected for your reading pleasure, and represent nothing less than the freshest, funniest, and stupidest shit that menlove has to offer.

in other words, these are my favorite entries from an entire year's worth of menlovian. if you've been reading since the beginning, then this might serve as a nice trip down memory lane, and you may enjoy revisiting much of the incoherence and inanity i've promulgated since last september.

on the other hand, if you're relatively new to menlovian, you might enjoy seeing some of what you've missed along the way.

however, most of you are probably here for one reason only... the link to the final menlovian entry is there waiting for you at the bottom of the list below.

again, thank you to everyone who has read and posted on menlove all year. much love...



The Best of Menlove

  1. menlovian - 9/04 - menlove v. the professors of BLS... the one that started it all.
  2. bad eggs, bad meat, bad women - 9/04 - includes a meditation on our sorry-ass school ranking, and the schechter poultry story.
  3. tony sebok: the drinking game - 10/04, beryl jones: the drinking game - 2/05 - for those who prefer law school on the rocks.
  4. the tribe has spoken - 10/04 - featuring menlove's amazingly productive study group.
  5. hypo, baby! - 11/04 - the adventures of a donkey named el guapo.
  6. t.v. shows that mattered - 2/05 - where are they now: the "saved by the bell" edition.
  7. don't read this - 2/05 - a.k.a. the fecalogue.
  8. good news! - 3/05 - menlove interviews with chief justice rehnquist.
  9. best of BLS - 4/05 - the title says it all.
  10. adios, amigos - 6/05 - it's been fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite Menlovians were the "wonderful classmates." I always got really excited when they were about to be posted. And when I saw my face, I was psyched.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

go beryl go! go beryl go!!!

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite entry of the year was definitely the rehnquist interview. Good lord!

9:06 PM  

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